The Time is Now! – a journey through Lent for schools or as a personal reflection

A Journey through Lent – a booklet to help you journey as a family through Lent
February 14, 2024
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Gosport – Centre of Excellence for Oracy
March 1, 2024
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The Time is Now!  is the theme of this 2024 Lent resources. The obvious question that follows this call for action is, “Time for what?” There are many answers to this question, which are found in the key messages and themes of these resources.

The Time is Now! – a journey through Lent.docx

As we focus on the three pillars of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving during Lent, we naturally connect with God and look to serve others. It is indeed time to renew our relationship with God and to consider practical ways we can be bearers of God’s love to those around us.

Many of the Gospel stories in this year’s resources include a call to action. The Greek word for time that is used in this resource is “Kairos,” meaning opportunity to act. It is God’s appointed time to act. As Pope Francis says, “Our life is made of time and time is God’s gift, and it is therefore important to make use of it by performing good and fruitful actions.”

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” In these resources, each of the weeks during Lent have their own sub-theme or focus, reminding us of what it is time for. In a way, these all answer the initial question: “Time for what?”

Time for Preparation

In the Gospel reading for the first week of Lent, we begin in the desert with Jesus and His forty days of preparation. We are reminded of the importance of our own preparation during Lent and to make a difference.

Time for Encounter

The transfiguration of Jesus in the Gospel reading for the second week reminds us that now is the time for our encounter with Christ and with each other.

Time for Justice

In the third week’s Gospel reading, Jesus overturns tables in the market in his drive for the worship of God and the pursuit of justice.  We too are called to act justly in our lives.

Time for Love

In the Gospel reading in the fourth week, Jesus explains to Nicodemus about God’s love.  We are called to be love in action to all we meet.

Time for Sacrifice

Jesus tells a crowd about His upcoming sacrifice and leaves a challenge about sacrifice and serving God’s call in the Gospel reading for the fifth week of Lent. We are called to reflect on what we are prepared to sacrifice to follow Christ.

Time for Hope

In the sixth and final week of Lent, we finish off during Holy Week with Jesus entering Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and the excitement and hope of the crowd.  We reflect upon where we find hope in our lives.

The Lenten season provides an opportunity each year to deepen our understanding of our faith by reflecting on the Gospels.  During Lent we are called both to turn away from those things that encumber our faith journey and to turn towards God. Lent is a wonderful opportunity to open ourselves to changes that God wants to make in us so that we can truly flourish.

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