Core pLAN Supplementary Guidance
Looks at how God is shown in our lives and through the work of others, including the priest.
Introduces the Sikh religion
Core pLAN Supplementary Guidance
Reveals how God shows himself to us in Jesus.
Looks at the signs Jesus gave us to show that God’s kingdom was in him.
Looks at Jesus as a teacher and a healer.
Looks at the Sikh religion and introduces Guru Nanak.
Core pLAN Supplementary Guidance
Explores stories from Scripture, which show how special Jesus is. It looks in particular at the miracle stories.
Looks at the three duties of a Sikh.
Core pLAN Supplementary Guidance
Introduces work on the Presentation and Baptism of Jesus as signs of God’s revelation.
Explores the Liturgy of the Word as revealing God.
Looks at what Sikhs do at the Gurdwara (Sikh temple) and the holy days and festivals for the Sikh religion.
Core pLAN Supplementary Guidance
Looks at how the apostles and Anna and Simeon saw the glory of Jesus as the only Son of the Father.
The revelation of Jesus as Light of the World.
Looks at the celebrations of light over darkness in the Sikh religion.
Core pLAN Supplementary Guidance
Study of certain parables looks at our understanding of the Kingdom of God and explores how the divine revelation is communicated, particularly in baptism.
Explores stories told by Guru Nanak and other gurus.
Core pLAN Supplementary Guidance
Looks at the personal relationship St Paul enjoyed with God.
Looks at Matthew 28, to consider what is meant by ‘Apostolic Tradition’.
Considers the work of the ten Gurus in the Sikh religion and what their key teachings are.