Primary Worship

Primary Worship

Throughout the year, Catholic school communities come together to celebrate important events in the Church’s calendar, such as Lent and Advent, as well as the start and end of the academic year. Through regular prayer and worship, including Mass, the rhythm of the Church’s year becomes a normal part of school life and each pupil’s life.

Taking part in daily collective worship helps build community cohesion by creating a consistent structure around the core values and symbols of Christianity. Worship is crucial to the spiritual life of the school and to pupils’ moral and spiritual development. It is an important part of a Catholic school’s distinctive ethos.

In Catholic schools, pupil participation and engagement in worship are important criteria in the diocesan inspection of Catholic education, not least during the daily act of collective worship. From Reception to Year 13, pupils are invited to play an active part in collective worship.

Annual Diocesan Schools Mass 2022

Click on the image to access a photo gallery of the Annual Schools Mass